Literary works of this kind are well received by the masses. 这样的文学作品很受群众欢迎。
In many literary works, eyes have been a very fascinating topic. 在很多文学作品中,眼睛都是让人着迷的话题。
For the society, it was important to have reasonable access to scientific and literary works. 对社会而言,能合理地接触到科学和文学作品是重要的。
Narration is an important means of expression of the literary works of narration. 叙事是叙事性文艺作品的一种重要的表述手段。
Critics gave variety of commentaries and criticism on his literary works, mainly positive and praising. 批评家们对其文学创作展开了以赞誉为主的各种形式的评价。
Animation is not only to see the children, and other literary works can be as wide audience. 动漫不是只给小孩子看的,也可以和其他文艺作品一样拥有广泛的受众。
We will make a study on the covert expression of interpersonal function by analyzing some examples in daily communication and literary works. 我们将通过分析日常交际和文学作品中的一些例子,对语言的人际功能的隐性表达方式进行一次研究。
This novel is the first truly American literary works of maturity. 这篇小说是美国第一个真正的成熟的文学作品。
Most of the past research is on literary works. 其中的大部分研究是关于文学著作的。
They both originate from folk life, mythology, literary works and from other languages. 都来自民间生活,神话传说,文学作品和外来语。
Study of the literary works of ancient Greece and Rome. 古代希腊文学与罗马文学的学习。
Literary criticism has become a theoretical sermon of inanition, with the ethical and aesthetic value of literary works neglected. 文学批评成了从理论到理论的空洞说教,忽视了文学作品的伦理价值和审美价值。
Study of literary works from different cultures ( often in translation). 对于不同文化的文学作品的研究。
In addition, the paper also studies and checks his official career and literary works and corrects several. 另外,对于陈淳的仕履和著述,文章也进行了考究,并对学术界的一些观点加以订正。
Marx quotes and explains in Capital plenty of artists and literary works. 马克思在《资本论》中大量引证和论述文艺家和文艺作品。
People in Eastern Jin Dynasty can also compose literary works. 东晋的人也会写文章;
The differences between Chinese and Western cultures are the main factors that influence E-C translation of English literary works. 中西文化差异是影响英美文学作品英汉翻译的一个重要因素。
This thesis aims at applying Skopos Theory to the translation of children's literary works. 本文旨在将功能主义目的论应用于儿童文学翻译。
We shall be able to appreciate literary works better if we have some knowledge of stylistics. 如果我们有一些文体学知识,我们就能更好地欣赏文学作品。
It's better to have an independent chapter to discuss the current literary works. 专设独立的一章来讨论目前的文学作品最好。
More and more foreign literature researchers have applied this theory to their analyses of all kinds of literary works. 同时,广大的外国文学研究者则把这一理论应用于各类文学作品的批评实践中。
The literary works of Shen Congwen are characterized by defamiliarization, especially in his novel The Border Town. 而沈从文的文学作品具有鲜明的陌生化特色,这一特色集中体现在沈从文小说创作的代表作&《边城》中。
The eminent writer Jia Ping'ao of west China and his literary works have become a wonderful cultural phenomenon. 西部著名作家贾平凹及其文学已经成为一种奇特的文化现象。
They are different from children's literary works with pictures, or traditional Chinese children's books. 它不同于带插图的儿童文学书,也不同于中国的传统儿童读物&小人书。
From the angle of literature, Taoist incantations are literary works of religious formation and have unique characteristics. 从文学的角度来看,道教咒语是宗教形态的文学作品,具有自身独特的品格。
This book is a collection of interviews about contemporary literary works. 这本书是关于当前文学创作的访谈录。
Tolstoy's acceptance and understanding of Chinese cultural thought have both deeply influenced and been incorporated into his literary works. 托尔斯泰对中国文化思想的接收和共识深深影响并融汇到他的文学创作中。
Advocating truthfulness and realism in writing is the overall characteristic of Zhang Dai's literary works. 尚真写实是张岱文学创作的总体特征。
Literary works and literary criticism. 文学著作和文艺批评。
Literary appreciation is a activity which needs to feel, imagine, experience and evaluate literary works creatively. 文学鉴赏就是对文学作品所进行的带有创造性的感知、想象、体验、理解和评价活动。